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Chauffeur SOP and Safety Blog

HDH: Part 3. Navigating Work Zones & Toll Plazas


  • Slow down and allow space

  • Watch front wheels to see if cars are trying to merge

  • Put as much space as possible around your vehicle

  • Watch for drivers who may be confused by changing traffic patterns

  • Watch for workers who aren’t always watching out for you

  • At toll plazas, drivers can get confused as to which lane to use, slow down and use signal for changing lanes

  • The right lane is usually the largest, use turn signals, protect your blindside

  • Utilize the key components to the S M I T H system .

    • (1) AIM HIGH IN STEERING. Keep 30 seconds of distance, or the length of 2 vehicles of which you are operating.

    • (2) GET THE BIG PICTURE.  Understand the highway or roadway, what type of traffic are you flowing with, are there buildings, trees, what is the condition of the road, is it raining, what is the temperature?

    • (3) KEEP YOUR EYES MOVING. Scan your mirrors every 5 seconds, utilize your side view and rear view mirrors. What are your passengers doing?

    • (4) LEAVE YOURSELF AN OUT.  Never follow behind another motor vehicle less than 30 seconds to allow for adequate stopping. When travelling in heavy traffic reduce speeds to increase following distance when necessary, when possible never allow traffic to ride next to you for long periods of time.  

    • (5) MAKE SURE THEY SEE YOU. When in a Company vehicle always travel with headlights on, especially in adverse weather conditions. Always use your turn signals when making lane changes. When in reverse- beep horn three times, utilize emergency flashers and proceed when it is safe to back. 


Eric Bryant