Central Virginia Transportation, Shuttle Buses, and Wine and Brewery Tours, Wedding Buses, Vintage Limousines

Chauffeur SOP and Safety Blog

Customer Care & Passenger Safety


The 3 P’s

  • Preparedness

    • Review trip sheets/itineraries/routes/safety procedures daily

    • Pre-tripping vehicle

    • Personal appearance → First impressions go a long way

    • Be polite and courteous

    • Communicate - stand outside the vehicle, review plans with leader of the group 

      • Demonstrate safety features of the vehicle

      • Show proper storage of personal belongings

      • Continue to communicate throughout the tour with the leader

    • Allow “some” flexibility with requests from clients if it is feasible

  • Practice

    • Begins with personal driving habits

    • Seatbelts

    • Don’t drive distracted → no cell phone use, no eating, no drinking

    • Follow the speed limit → Be advised in to adjust speed in inclement weather

    • Follow at a safe distance

    • Drive defensively not offensively

  • Passenger Control

    • Crisis Management Plan

    • IAM

      • Identify

        • Body language indicators

        • If something seems suspicious, report to dispatch immediately; “If you see something, say something.”  

      • Assess

        • How serious is the situation?

        • Know your capabilities

        • Manage the situation

      • Manage

        • Verbal conflict resolution

        • (From Management) Policies and procedures for personal safety planning 

        • Per the law, our drivers have the right to defend themselves

          • Fight or flight

        • A Standard of company policies for every driver to follow

        • Think outside the bus


Eric Bryant