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Chauffeur SOP and Safety Blog

Managing An Accident Scene

Nobody wakes up expecting to get into an accident. So when the unexpected occurs, are you completely prepared?

As a professional driver for Albemarle Limousine, the possibility of an accident is something for which you have to be prepared. When accidents occur, from minor sideswipes to a more major collision, everyone looks to you and your professional experience for leadership, guidance, and assistance. You need to feel fully prepared to take control and know what steps you should take.

You, as the driver, and Albemarle Limousine, will fall under the scrutiny of law enforcement and, quite possibly, the media at large. This means that you must carefully consider your reactions and be prepared for all of the possibilities that may occur.

Knowing and following the instructions presented in the How To Manage An Accident Scene will help you deal effectively with the stress and crisis that an accident can bring. There are three (3) quizzes in this module.


4 Major Duties

  • Protect your passengers and the scene

  • Get Help

  • Assist others at the scene

  • Gather and exchange information

  • Protect your passengers and the scene

    • secure scene by activating 4-way flashers

    • placing proper warning devices i.e. flares, hazard signs

    • reassuring passengers through communication

    • enlist a leader of the group to ensure the passengers stay inside the vehicle

    • consider moving to the side of the road if you are blocking traffic if it can be done safely

    • before you move coach, take multiple photos of the exact location

    • assess the situation

    • keep doors closed

  • Get Help

    • summon first responders, police, and/or emergency services

    • prepare to answer questions as to exactly where your location is 

    • relay to emergency responders what your exact needs are

    • call the company and advise of the incident

    • contact the insurance company

  • Assist Others

    • assist those in most need first

    • seek out someone who has possible medical training → Good Samaritan rules, limit medical aid to the extent of training; if not trained, do not administer first aid or render treatment

    • care and safety is the driver’s primary duty

    • keep passengers advised to the situation, this will help them to stay calm

    • if the coach must be evacuated due to safety concerns, choose somewhere safe, and assist passengers off the coach and guide them to a safe designated area

    • COMMUNICATE to keep passengers calm

  • Manage and Distribute Information

    • distribute passenger courtesy cards

    • when retrieving cards, ensure all cards are correct i.e. name, phone number, correct and filled in

    • police statements → DO NOT RUSH INTO AN EXPLANATION;  

      • refer to company policy that prohibits you from making any immediate statements/make no statement or admission of fault

      • take photographs → minimum of 4 photos i.e. location, vehicles involved, tire marks, vehicle damage, 

      • NO MEDIA INTERVIEWS if they arrive to the scene

    • Police Reports → the the report number and officer’s name and badge number

    • Hospitals → make sure you have the names of passengers and the hospitals to which they are being transported


Eric Bryant