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Chauffeur SOP and Safety Blog

Foul Weather Driving - The Smith System


  • Good drivers adapt their driving to cope with weather conditions

  • Aim High in Steering

    • Scan the road 15sec ahead of you if possible

    • Use early observations of drivers ahead experiencing the road i.e. swerving, pools of water, skidding, etc. 

    • Traction and Visibility change in adverse conditions

      • Wet roads and high speeds can cause hydroplaning conditions resulting in almost total loss of vehicle condtrol; lose traction

      • Reduce your speed

      • Treat road conditions with wet leaves with caution

      • When streets are wet, stopping distances can double or triple

      • Avoid sudden acceleration, braking, or turning

      • Make it a habit to use brakes early

      • Good drivers match their driving with their ability to see

      • Reduced speed increases eye lead time and ability to remain in control

  • Get the Big Picture

    • Following distance is a key to safe driving 4 sec for smaller vehicles, 6 for larger vehicles

    • When it rains or snows, add a couple of seconds to following distance

    • In fog or inclement weather, don’t let the taillights of the vehicle ahead be your only reference

    • Seek following distance to allow you to make relaxed, well thought out decisions

    • When the road lacks traction, give yourself a great deal of space to react to and compensate for your vehicles reduced stopping ability

    • Space and visibility are linked. 

  • Keep Your Eyes Moving

    • Don’t fixate only on the greatest possible threat 

    • Let your eyes move ahead/sides to detect important changes in travel picture

    • Check mirrors every 5-8 sec

    • Take time to make sure the vehicle and it’s viewing services (windows and mirrors) are in good condition before and as you drive

    • Avoid all unnecessary distractions

  • Leave Yourself an Out

    • Make an effort to obtain an air cushion around you- space cushion driving

    • Look for space; make it your objective to travel in-between packs of traffic

  • Make Sure They See You

    • Communicate with other drivers

    • Use your lights, turn signals → use them early

    • Use brakes early

    • Clear off surfaces around your headlights, turn signals, and brakelights

    • Avoid driving in “blind spots”

    • Change lanes with an extra margin for error

  • Be proactive and take control


Eric Bryant